
We help manufacturing companies secure innovation funding, maximising entitlement for existing beneficiaries and facilitating a smooth process for newcomers.

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Man in Safety Gear Operating Machine

R&D Tax Relief in the Manufacturing industry

Almost every manufacturing business is involved in some kind of R&D – be it prototyping, development or experimentation with materials or physical production processes. This is great news for innovative manufacturing companies because it means that many of them could be eligible for R&D tax relief.

R&D tax credits can provide significant financial rewards to manufacturing companies. Companies can claim R&D tax relief for qualifying costs incurred during R&D activities, which may include staff costs, consumables costs and materials used in R&D.

  • ✓ Designing components to operate to higher specifications than industry standard

    ✓ Designing and developing software for machinery which can integrate with other equipment and enable more efficient running of processes.

    ✓ Improving environmental impact: e.g. reducing material usage, waste, emissions (CO2), energy consumption, etc

  • ✓ Improving fettling and grinding methods for any number of precision surface finishing options for enhanced quality of the part.

    ✓ Adapting existing products and components to comply with updated legislation

    ✓ Advances in material properties, such as increase in yield or tensile strength, increase in toughness, corrosion resistance, and resistance to fatigue.

  • ✓ Manufacturing process improvements to ‘above industry’ standards.

    ✓ Overcoming scalability issues

    ✓ Increasing the level of recycled materials within products whilst maintaining strength and robustness.

Our customers say…

Visiativ helped me to quickly understand which projects were eligible for R&D and which weren’t. They also identified projects that qualified for R&D tax credits that I hadn’t been aware of, which was hugely beneficial for ACUTENSION. The R&D tax benefit we received was a huge benefit to our company. It enabled us to reinvest in our business to establish the differentiation we require to stand out from the competition.

Phil Jarvis, Director, ACUTENSION Limited

Eligibility questionnaire

Take our short eligibility questionnaire to find out if your company is entitled to receive R&D Tax Relief!


How Visiativ can help you

At Visiativ, we can provide valuable assistance to your company in claiming R&D tax relief in the Manufacturing industry. We have expertise in R&D Tax Relief: our team of experts are well-versed in R&D tax relief regulations and guidelines specific to the apparel and textile industry. We understand the qualifying criteria and can help identify eligible R&D activities within your company.


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